
Sergey Poltev our Tech guru, Amanda Annis, Sandy Tunwell  @ Refresh Your Passion 2019
Amanda Annis, Sandy Tunwell
Sandy Tunwell, Amanda Annis @ eSAX: Speed Networking, April 17th, 2019
accountrain team Summer 2018! Left to right: Amanda Annis, Puspa Nana, Sandy Tunwell (owner & managing consultant), Lisa Brigham, Amanda McLeod, Elsa Berhe (not pictured: Diane Doran, Anna Griga). And yes, this is Sandy’s car 🙂
Nomination Badge for Sandy Tunwell for the 2018 Top 50 Women in Accounting Award!
Nomination Badge for Sandy Tunwell, as Business Owner for 2018 Women of Influence award
Cover of the May issue of the accountrain way (Internal Newsletter). We keep it fun and fresh for our team. Can you tell that we love what we do?